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TOURISM: a challenge
to Filipino-Americans


Tourism is the health of the countries economy. No one could have agreed more than DOT Secretary Richard J. Gordon when he took further steps in aggressively launching a tourism campaign in the U. S. and Canada -including Asian and European countries- by identifying the Philippines as a unique and multifaceted business and travel destination for foreign tourists to see.

In front of a Fil-Am crowd at the Meadowland Convention Center last August 19, 2003, he gave startling facts on the state of tourism of the country which is trailing far behind its Asian neighbors. In his usual no-holds barred and rapid-fire presentation, which may seem brusque to some, he emphatically conveyed his vision of tourism and its important role in the socio-economic growth of the country with a Powerpoint illustration.

"The DOT will do all it can", declared Gordon "..but..what will you do?", he retorted. His relentless campaign through the Volunteer 12 and (VPY2003) to target 7.4 million overseas Fil-Ams, including some 3 million from the U. S.-as potential visitors is unparalleled. This was ratified by signing a memorandum of agreement in Washington with the Military Historical Tours which boasted a database of 100,000 veterans as potential visitors ‘to strengthen the historic ties and special relationship between the Phils and the United States’. Accompanied by  local government officials in New York, Sec. Gordon also signed a memorandum of agreement in partnership with community leaders such as the Confederation of Boholanos to visit their hometowns and possibly invest in the country. Likewise, a series of networking and tabletop business exchanges with top honchos of the Phil-American Chamber of Commerce of N. Y. highlighted his mission. His strong pitch for the countries tourism was evident in his interviews with prestigious media moguls such as TIME Magazine; Travel and Leisure: and Bloomberg TV in conjunction with mass advertising blitzkriegs with BBC, CNN and United Airlines’ one-minute inflight ads.

How about our Safety?
Every nation has its share of crime and corruption statistics. And there is always uncertainty in every situation. Who would have imagined that the World Trade Center-Twin Towers would be hit by two commercial planes and collapse? In general, the peace and order situation in the country is much better compared to previous year. The presence of the U.S. troops deployed in southern Phils and the recent visit of U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell is positive sign for travelers to ascertain peace and order - a top priority issue of the country. In addition, every resort has a network of security organization to protect tourists. The deployment of 1,000 policemen detailed every 500 meters in Metro Manila and the development of "culture of tourism" are just some of the take-off points of the government to eventually face the socio-economic challenges that lie ahead.

Despite the setback brought on by the peace and order situation - especially in the Southern most tip of the Phils, international arrivals are up for the first time in four years. Ideal circumstances are seldom given to anyone embarking on an enormous undertaking. As a tourism leader, holding both positions as commissioner of the World Tourism Organization of East Asia and the Pacific and chairman of Pacific Asia Travel Association, Gordon has the potential to bring the Philippines to a global center stage. The DOT has shown tangible results. Richard J. Gordon, the Secretary of Phil. Tourism, has some solutions but he is only one element in this whole tourism process. A tourism worldwide blitz of this magnitude should be taken seriously especially when it is operating on a miniscule budget.

The overseas Filipino is the most natural and cost-effective resource that can be tapped into, yielding increased tourist arrivals to the Phils. The ball is on us to see a better Philippines -perhaps leading its Asian neighbors once again. Each day passes by and it is up to us to do our share. Only then can we learn and truly understand our vital role in our nation’s progress, making travel and tourism to grow by leaps and bounds.



The Boycott

The country is spending millions of dollars on advertising the country as a tourism destination but doing nothing about the very things that are keeping the tourists away.

About a year ago nearly one million motorcyclists around the world started a boycott of travel to the country, when they found out that motorcycles were not allowed on the safest roads, the tollways. This forces them to use roads that are estimated to be about one hundred times more dangerous. The alternative roads are choked with totally lawless chaotic traffic, there is knee deep mud or loose rocks for miles, potholes big enough to swallow a bike and often no alternative road at all.

The international boycott is intended to try to stop the senseless killing and mutilation of riders who are forced onto these roads due to illegal restrictions put in place by those who believe they are above the law.


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